
Solo exhibitions

2024 Cities, RGYB, Moscow, RU

2023 Double vision, Sreda photo, Moscow, RU

Group exhibitions

2024 summeracademy open studios #4, Festung Hohensalzburg, Salzburg, AT

2024 Waves, streams, fields, clouds, CCI Fabrika, Moscow, RU

2024 Infinitely, Baltic branch of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (NCCA), Kaliningrad, RU

2024 a–s–t–r–a open vol. 5, a–s–t–r–a gallery, Moscow, RU

2024 Summer Camp, DiDi Gallery, Saint-Petersburg, RU

2024 Two and two, Tula Historical and Architectural Museum, Tula, RU

2024 Source unnamed, New association of free, 25 Nikitskiy boulevard, Moscow, RU

2024 VIDEOFORMES 2024, Galerie Dolet, Clermont-Ferrand, FR

2024 Ah, Rhinoceros!…, New association of free, 25 Nikitskiy boulevard, Moscow, RU

2024 Photo drying, Zotov Center, Moscow, RU

2023 There, I don’t know where (video), Brusnitsyn, Saint-Petersburg, RU

2023 2nd Karelian Biennale of Fine Arts, Petrozavodsk, RU

2023 White noise, Stieglitz Academy Saint-Petersburg, RU

2023 Vernissage (main exposition) curated by Anatoly Osmolovsky, Elektrozavod Gallery, Moscow, RU

2023 A game of shadows, Darwin Museum, Moscow, RU

2023 Guiding thread. Incarnation. Finissage, Creative Industrial Cluster "Oktava", Tula, RU

2001 First group exhibition, Actor`s House, Moscow, RU

Group projects

2023 re:store : everything is possible, 8/10 Neglinnaya str., Moscow, RU

2023 Light. Image. Music, Museum-estate Arkhangelskoye, Moscow region, RU

2023, Blue bird of happiness, Birdwatching, GES-2, Moscow, RU

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